
Never-ending Spiral

Never-ending Spiral

Wisdom is the snake the old fairy cristian tales talks about,
The serpent means defiance to ignorance, means
All that those priests try to hide out of their lamb,
The serpent stands for knowledge, shredding skins is leaving the manipulated ignorance they feed you as a child and start thinking for yourself, open the eyes, 
Realizing the façade written in the holy lies,
That why we are condemn and pointed as outcast,
That why we become the enemy, we are legion,
We are the untold truth, we are the eternal cycle of death and life,
We are mark with the Ouroboros,
We keep questioning self-proclaim authorities and “truths”

We are hated and feared by the blind sheep, 
We were here before and will remain after,
Knowledge can be burn as books, but resides as truth,

The lies of the cross come as a spreading disease,
You true worshiping god is a manmade manipulating structure based of fear to the unknown,
Fear to the afterlife, and based on the need to fill the emptiness leave by ignorance,
The soul is real as the blood, the flesh can be tear down, 
Can be sold as faith, and the blinded sheep will buy it desperately, 

Knowledge is a gift and the curse, and on the old days, it was pay with blood and torture,
If only you could be strong enough to accept you been feed up on lies,
If only your eyes were open and could see the truth behind the golden robe of priests
If only your mind and soul were truly yours to make your own will 

We can’t teach you as the lamb, but we can point to where the path starts,
Burn ignorance, open the mind, open the hears, open the heart,
You been owned cause your parent sale you to them with holy water deals,
History reveals itself and civilization will always collapse when build on lies.